Прочитала на официальном сайте такую информацию по поводу купировки:
Dogs with cropped ears born after the 28th of August 2008 in France or abroad are not allowed to attend dog shows in France.
Exception: dogs coming from countries where cropped ears are legally authorized and provided that the FCI breed standard allows it. Dogs can be presented by a handler, but he must be able to prove that the dog’s owner is resident in a country where cropped ears are authorized.
List of the signatory states of the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals available on the web site.
кто-то знает подробности?
Ситуация не однозначная и двоякая.
Как бы прояснить это дело?
Отредактировано Zarina (2010-11-24 21:46:58)